after the holiday-the car took all my nickelsI think I have pennies
chatting with friends-sharing what I'm thankful forthen calling the sibs
evening chorescar prep for holiday triplaundry, and bills
chatting with church friendsnot waiting until Thursdayto be thankful
sad news from a friendreaching out to my familyenjoying their voices
nesting time of yearwanted and unwanted junkhas got to go me Jesusto lean on you
morning commutescottish dialouge floating in my head
family weekendenjoying chats face to facewith all my siblings
start of vacawaiting for sistersto get ready
vaca evecleaned kitchen and done laundryalmost packed suitcase
vaca minus two daysrefrigerator purgingprep lists for suitcase
first November Tuesdayresolving the emergenciesto go to the polls
evening chores
packing left over candy
to bring in to work