Thursday, February 7, 2013

NaHaiWriMo - milk

Being lactose intolerant, the only time I have milk in th ehouse is when I do baking for the men who work for me.  After I got on my own, the only milk I consume is with cookies or the occasional bowl of cereal when I am out eating breakfast.

After hurricane Sandy, I had no power for 9.5 days so I lost a fully packed referigerator and freezer. The food in the fridge had a plethora of mold on it.  The milk I had in there was now spoiled buttermilk with a slightly bluish hue. 

My last bit of baking had me using buttermilk.  In my catering days, we used to make our own instead of buying it.  A whiff it reminded me of my kitchen cleanup that day.

after the power outage
removing buttermilk
from the fridge

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