Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NaHaiWrMo Day 5 - vegetable (any)

Today's prompt was appealing because most to the time, folks don't really notice vegetables in a postive way - remember your mom saying "eat your vegetables or no dessert for you" or salad being thought of as "rabbit food" when you have to loose weight or how brussel sprouts are the worst things EVER.

I love veggies because of catering becausethere are boku kinds and even more ways of prepping them. I remember fondly doing crudite tables and making animals out of fruits and veggies for decoration.

It is actually the beginning of asparagus season and I really love asparagus when it is not much thicker than a pencil.

Hence today's offering-

today's treat-
roasted asparagus
caramelized nuts

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